
Highlight IDLC 2020 .

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The Background ...

Currently, Indonesia and the world are experiencing economic conditions that are starting to improve, although the challenges are still not over.

As also stated by the IMF in the World Economic Outlook (WEO) July 2021, which states that global economic growth in 2022 is positive in the range of 4.9 percent depending on how a country is able to manage fiscal stimulus and vaccinations.

In line with what was conveyed by President Joko Widodo at the introduction to the 2022 State Budget Bill on August 16, 2021 which stated, “Economic growth in 2022 is estimated to be in the range of 5.0 percent to 5.5 percent. We will try our best to reach the growth target above the upper limit, which is 5.5 percent. However, we must remain vigilant, because the development of Covid-19 is still very dynamic.”

From this forecast, it can be said that in general economic conditions have the opportunity to grow, although the dynamics that have occurred since the crisis due to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 will still take place in 2022.

So, what does it take for every team and organization to be able to realize growth opportunities in a situation filled with uncertainty?

At Kubik, we strongly believe that leaders have a big role in bringing their teams and organizations to realize these opportunities.

It takes leaders who are able to move people in their team/organization to continue to grow sustainably under any conditions.

Maintaining the sustainability of the organization whose existence is able to have a positive impact on many parties until future generations becomes the ultimate goal

Yes, it’s time for leaders to rise up, to lead the way for Infinite Organization! What and how to realize Infinite Organizations that can be implemented by leaders in teams and organizations?

Let’s share and grow together to find answers at the Indonesia Leadership Conference 2021 event: “Leading the Way towards Infinite Organization”

Speakers .

Chairman of Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Inspirator SuksesMulia

Co Founder Kubik Leadership

Ketua Tim Pelaksana Wantiknas

Direktur Kubik Leadership

Direktur Kubik Coaching

Presiden Direktur - Tripatra Engineers and Constructors

Direktur Operasional - Brantas Abipraya

Komisaris Utama - Agricon Group

Head of Corporate University - Adira Dinamika Multi Finance Tbk

Direktur HC dan Operation Officer - tvOne

Direktur Sales & Distribution - PT Bank Syariah Indonesia, Tbk

Direktur Utama - Hutama Karya Infrastruktur

Direktur Utama - Surveyor Indonesia

Direktur Utama - Balai Pustaka

HR Director - Reckitt Indonesia

Presiden Director - Mustika Ratu

Direktur Sekolah Pascasarjana - Universitas Airlangga

The Targets We Leveraged .

Our main target is team and organizational leaders, especially in Indonesia, both in established companies and start-ups. We warmly welcome the public. This event isn't limited to public, any leaders and professionals who are motivated to create teams and organizations that can continue to thrive in a sustainable manner, are very welcome.

Conference Schedule .

Adjusting to the conditions of social restrictions in order to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic, the form of the Indonesia Leadership Conference 2021: “Leading the Way towards Infinite Organization” activity is in the form of online sessions using one of the webinar platforms (virtual classrooms) that can be accessed by participants.

IDLC 2021 is a series of leadership presentation and discussion sessions for 3 x 1⁄2 days (7-9th, Dec 2021 | 08.30 - 11.30 WIB) Every day there will be a big theme that covers the sessions on that day.


What’s inside? Contains a 2020 & 2021 “Situation Map”, up-to-date hurdles & roadblocks from credible parties and leaders in the established and start up company.


What’s inside? Contains real case sharing experiences from leaders (in established and start-up companies) in leading the team to realize the Infinite Organization.


What’s inside? Contains recommendations for leadership solutions to achieve an Infinite Organizations and ends with a call to action.

Organized By Kubik Leadership .

Kubik Leadership is Indonesia's leading HR partners specializing in Leadership and Personal Development. Kubik Leadership was established in 1999 and trusted by more than 150 clients including Indonesia Fortune 100 companies and many prominent multinational corporations. Kubik Leadership is well recognized in its ability to produce REAL IMPACTS in increasing employee productivity through its innovative training methodology and powerful trainers.

Donation .


1 Participant
Rp 350.000


5 Participants
Rp 1.000.000


>5 Participants
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IDLC 2021 is a nonprofits event and As a form of contribution in improving the quality of human resources, IDLC 2021: “Leading the Way towards Infinite Organization” committed to channeling the entire profit from this event to the GNOTA scholarship program.

More Information .

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